With the fall season upon us, it’s the perfect time for planting perennials, and the Delaware Center for Horticulture is here to help you get your hands dirty. The Wilmington-based nonprofit sponsors garden tours, urban farming and events like the dig-and-divide workshop, where you can learn how to properly divide your perennials and take some plants home to incorporate into your own seasonal landscaping. Think roof iris, pink daisy mums and windflowers. Learn how to beautify your home for the holidays with a pumpkin-decorating workshop (Oct. 4) and workshops on wreaths and centerpieces (Nov. 29 and 30). DCH’s annual holiday greens sale is Dec. 1. Visit thedch.org.
Courtesy of Delaware Center for Horticulture
Celebrating autumn’s quintessential flower, Longwood Gardens’ Chrysanthemum Festival happens Sept. 30–Nov. 12. Meticulously cultivated chrysanthemums take center stage, with breathtaking displays of all shapes, sizes and dimensions. “What makes the festival unique are the three-dimensional pieces we create using cascade chrysanthemums,” says Longwood Gardens public relations manager Jourdan Cole. “Horticulturally, it’s the most challenging exhibition we present every year.”
Courtesy of Longwood Gardens
While floral spirals and columns may be too complex for most homes, you can stroll the exhibit to take in the various color options—from traditional yellows, reds and oranges to vibrant pinks and purples—and see what works best for your at-home display this fall. Visit longwoodgardens.org.
Related: 5 Things to Do Around the Brandywine Valley This Fall