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Carlos Alejandro | caphoto.com

With 22 years of advertising, corporate and editorial experience as a backdrop, Carlos Alejandro Photography has what it takes to turn ideas into images that communicate.

Carlos works digitally using the technologies available to their best advantage.

Based outside Wilmington, Delaware, he serves a variety of U.S. clients, including  Benjamin Lovell Shoes, Citibank, DuPont, Goldman Sachs, House Industries, Nevamar, Pine Crest School, Sanford School, Sanita Clogs, The Independence School, Teleflex, The University of Delaware, The University of Maryland, Time Life Publications and Meredith Publications.

Carlos’ emphasis on integrating the visual, verbal and strategic positioning of a job into the final product has earned him recognition from local, regional and national Art Director’s Clubs, as well as from Communication Arts, Graphis, Print, PEI, PDN and PhotoDesign.

To discuss an assignment, call 302-234-1100 and ask for Carlos or Nan.