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Hagley Museum Antique Car Show


More than 500 antique cars representing all automobile eras will be available for inspection, admiration and out-and-out envy. The show, open from 10am to 4pm, features everything from the spindly-looking models of the early 1900s to the hey-I-had-one-of-those cars of the 1980s, and everything in between.

Enjoy a parade, motoring music, go-kart racing and a food court. Activities take place on Hagley Museum and Library’s upper property, and visitors should use Hagley’s main entrance off Route 141 in Wilmington. Admission will be charged, although the car show is free for Hagley members and children under 5. Advance ticket sales begin in August.

For more information, call 302.658.2400 or visit  www.hagley.lib.de.us/events.html.