Unless your name is Mary and you’ve been known to be quite contrary, silver bells, cockle shells, and pretty maids won’t do a thing to help you grow that cherry tree or bed of hydrangeas. For those who do not live in a nursery rhyme, SymphonyScape may be the cure for your “growing” confusion. The symposium on gardens and design, held on April 14, celebrates all things horticulture with exhibits, contests, and presentations on planning, growing and maintaining your own garden.
Starting at 10:00am, guests will be greeted with a continental breakfast in the Atrium of the Grand Ballroom at Mendenhall Inn. Educational displays will be available, as well as speakers, master gardeners, arborists and landscape architects who will be in attendance for consultations and to sign books. Vendors will have everything from organic soil and exotic orchids to boutique clothing, and guests will be able to purchase raffle tickets for a drawing to win rare and elegant baskets. Music will be provided by the Kennett Symphony, which will benefit from the event.
Tickets are $85 per person and may be obtained by calling the Symphony office at 610.444.6363 or online at www.kennettsymphony.org. Tables of 10 may be also be reserved.