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“Don’t Let the Horses Out!”


The Beresford Gallery is pleased to announce the display of artwork by sculptors Lindsey Molyneaux and Elizabeth Beer for the month of June at Starbucks coffee of Kennett Square, Pa.

Equine Driftwood Horse

“Don’t Let the Horses Out!” travels on  tour to The Hamptons, Saratoga Springs, and Baltimore, with fresh artwork being added weekly.

Molyneaux is well known for her beautiful life-sized equine sculptures of jumpers and dressage horses as well as her unusual medium of choice: driftwood. The driftwood, along with touches of copper, has its own unique qualities of color and texture, ensuring that each horse is truly one of a kind.

Artist Lindsey Molyneaux rides her creation.

Newcomer, gallery owner and art coach Elizabeth Beer is now also showing her driftwood sculptures, which embrace different equine sports and have a more impressionistic feel. The wood inspires and dictates the creations for Beer.

Beresford Gallery first began exhibiting the driftwood horses in the summer of 2010 at their show in Saratoga, N.Y., a town famed for its horse racing. The response was huge, and artists amassed many sales and excellent reviews during the short summer season in Saratoga.

Dressed for Show Piece

The winter of 2011 took the exhibit to Wellington, Fla., where three entire shows sold out and now a permanent one  remains year round for purchase on site at the White Horse Tavern.

If interested in purchasing any of the artwork on display, please call Beresford Gallery directly at 610.347.1247. Sales can be done over the phone. Additional works are at the Main Gallery in Unionville, Pa.