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Landscapes In All Sizes


Lush and luminous; verdant yet golden; a pinkish effervescent glow—all describe artist Kerin Hearn’s plein air landscape and garden paintings.

The joyous dance of bright glimmering colors across the canvas using the juxtaposition of cold against warm, light against dark, creates her signature vibrancy.  Landscapes: Great & Small features large-scale to tiny-cube paintings of these landscapes and gardens—both nearby and far away.

The exhibit at the Delaware Center for Horticulture (DCH) begins opens with a reception from 2pm to 5pm on Saturday, January 8 and runs through the rest of the month. Founded in 1977, the Center’s site in the Trolley Square neighborhood of Wilmington includes a 1.5 acre educational demonstration garden, a lending library, an art gallery, a lecture hall, and a greenhouse. Admission to the exhibit is free; for more information, visit www.thedch.org.

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