November is full of exciting events at Delaware’s most distinctive bar, Stoney’s British Pub. Every week, there is something new and stimulating. All this fun is for the benefit of Delaware Hospice and to mark Stoney’s anniversary.
Delaware Hospice is Delaware’s only not-for-profit hospice care center. Stoney’s November events support the hospice’s mission of providing high-quality care.
Stoney’s couldn’t be an authentic British pub without a Guy Fawkes Bonfire Night. Bonfire Night commemorates the failure of the Gunpowder Plot, a seditious plan to blow up the House of Parliament. Remember, remember the fifth of November!
The following Saturday on November 13, folk music duo Danaher & Cloud celebrate the release of two new CDs. Portraits is a “journey through the ups and downs of life,” and Just Kiddin” is a collection of children’s songs and stories. Kate Danaher’s Irish story telling blends beautifully with Amy Cloud’s instrumental and vocal talents. Their lively, funny performances are a remarkable delight. Come see them from 4pm to 7pm.
Enthusiasts can debate the smokiness of Tobermory, the rich flavor of Laphroaig’s or the creaminess of Glenfiddich at Stoney’s whisky-tasting on Sunday, November 14. Call to make a reservation.
The annual auction for Delaware Hospice is on November 18. Come early for the best items and to support your local hospice
Come for fellowship on Sunday, November 21 for the Feast of Saint Andrew, the patron saint of Scotland. Fish and cross-marked scones are traditional feast-day fare in Scotland. Rejoice with bagpipes and scotch at Stoney”s.
The Science Café is the following Monday, November 22. Finally, a chance to talk science at the pub! Experts, taverneers and anglophiles unite to discuss the electric nose. Call Stoney’s for reservations and information at 302-477-9740.