Dr. Peter Gleick will speak on “Water in the 21st century: New Thinking for a Sustainable Future” at the Stroud Water Research Center’s eighth annual gala, The Water’s Edge, on Thursday, October 7 at the Ballroom at Longwood Gardens in Kennett Square, Pa.
Peter Gleick, co-founder and president of the Pacific Institute, is one of the world’s leading authorities on fresh-water issues. Gleick has persistently pursued his vision of a world in which the basic needs of all people are met, the earth’s resources are maintained, the natural world is protected, and water disputes are resolved peacefully and democratically. His current focus is on the impact of climate change on water resources and his innovative concept of “peak water,” which compares our management of water resources with our history of oil extraction.
The Stroud Water Research Center is an independent non-profit organization dedicated to advancing public understanding of fresh water and giving policy makers, business leaders, teachers, students and others the tools they need to protect the world’s increasingly endangered sources of fresh water.
Registration for the event will began at 6pm followed by the lecture at 6:45pm. For parking use the business entrance off of Conservatory Road. Proceeds from the event benefit the Stroud Water Research Center’s research and educational programs. A number of table sponsorships and individual ticket levels are available; see http://www.stroudcenter.org/calendar.htm#Waters_Edge for details.